Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mayor John Landwehr Meets the Garbage Cans

Because of all of the garbage cans on my street--and a few are in front of vacant property so there is no one to move them--and one individual is handicapped and lives by herself and the city refuses to designate the space in front of her house for handicapped parking (but that's another subject altogether), I find it very interesting that the very man who signed the contract to let Allied Waste mandate that everyone has garbage cans moved four garbage cans off the street when he came to visit Prisons Brews.

Keep in mind Prison Brews has designated parking--but obviously not enough. If you can't enforce a parking space ordinance required of businesses, how are you going to enforce other ordinances? How is the city going to pay to enforce the mandate that everyone pays for garbage service? Whose tax dollars will go to pay for these additional employees?

Mayor Landwehr, yes, the garbage cans are an eyesore and there are a lot of them--eight in front of vacant homes, two in front of the home of a handicapped women who actually uses her cans to reserve her parking space and two in front of my house.

A litter of garbage cans.

Isn't this what you wanted?


  1. Interesting how the mayor can move the garbage cans, but he can't authorize handicapped parking for the lady whose cans he moved.

  2. Interesting how the mayor can move the garbage cans, but he cannot have the law enforced that requires the garbage cans not be left at the curb 24/7 like so, so many are! Hmmm, another one of those selectively enforced goodies that can be used to terrorize your enemies but otherwise ignored!
