Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Do You Feel About Jefferson City's Mandatory Garbage Pick-up?

How do you feel about Jefferson City's mandatory garbage pick-up?

Go to the comment section and leave a comment. All comments--pro or con--will be published.


  1. Hello. I think the "mandatory" part of the new trash/recycle program is what's ridiculous. But I learned something new the other day when I called Allied over a billing issue. If you live in a three-plex or a 4-plex type of dwelling, it is NOT mandatory. I was told I'd be getting a refund for the two months already paid for. I wish I had gotten the lady's name who told me this, but I didn't. Might regret that, but we will see. She said they are finding several loopholes in the rules at Allied. Not holding my breath, but I hope other people will call and question this, too. Good luck in getting the "mandatory" part of the program overturned. Thanks for sharing the information in your blog.

  2. Hello again, I'm back with an update from my last post on Dec. 25th. Just wanted to report back, I did indeed get my refund, in full! It came about the third week of January in the form of a check, even though I had paid the trash bill on my credit card.
