Tuesday, December 22, 2009

After the City Council Meeting

So who is going to pay for the garbage mess? Taxpayers because the city is planning to pick up part of th tab. Click here for the article.

Here are sections of the article that I find interesting:

"One month into the new single-stream recycling trash program, the City Council on Monday wrangled with how - and if - the city should collaborate with the Samaritan Center to help residents who are unable to afford the mandatory service.

"Many residents have complained the new trash service has reduced the pickup from twice a week to once, uses smaller 65-gallon containers and adversely affects those on fixed incomes."

I said this would be a problem--less service for more money.

"Under the proposal, the indigent trash program would help about 44 homeowners who meet specific Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines; most of the homeowners would be elderly or disabled residents living on a small stipend.

"Under the plan, the city would present the Samaritan Center with an initial startup amount of $9,000 from proceeds from the city's contract with New World Recycling."

So taxpayers are paying the money. And what happens to New World Recycling?

"Fifth Ward Councilman Dan Kindt noted there are residents who are currently struggling to meet other utility bills, too.

“'As a governing body, we have to treat persons in similar situations the same,' Klindt said. 'We just can't help the trash situation because it is a topic for us right now. The next (thing) we will be doing is helping with water and sewer.'

"If the city creates such a program with the Samaritan Center, Klindt would like to see a fund for all utilities."

Yes, because sewer and water, electricity and heat are also mandated. If a property does not have these utilities in place, they are violating the Jeff City laws. Coming soon to Jeff City--the city pays all utility bills for those who cannot afford payment.

"City Attorney Nathan Nickolaus reminded the council the city does provide legal protection for all residents under the law, but the city does not have any obligation to provide benefits or assistance to anyone."

What protection is offered to those who cannot afford to pay for mandatory garbage pick-up? What protection is offered for those who cannot pay any utility bills? What protection is given to those who use their civil disobedience rights as citizens and do not pay Allied Waste?


In the end the city finds itself in a big mess--but I like the idea of supporting mandates by assisting those who cannot afford the mandate. First waste collection. Then sewer and water. Soon electricity and heat. Can the cell phone be far behind.

By the way bold phrases are mine.

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